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The Municipality of San Martín de Valdeiglesias fanfare announces the conclusion of a trial in the San Juan, with the aim of achieving a Guinness record

The legislation makes clear that the CHT is not authorized the use of jet skis and night navigation in the reservoir

Tuesday 23 June 2009, by sods

All the versions of this article: [English] [Español]

The "great sporting challenge" is to travel 1000 km. on a jet ski in less than 23 hours and 17 minutes to beat the previous record. The presentation of this test was performed at the Spanish Olympic Committee, with the "sponsorship" by Mr. D. Alejandro Blanco, President of the COE.

The test discurriría in the Special Protection Area for birds and rivers Alberche and Cofio, which has also been declared a Site of Community Importance, as part of the Natura 2000 network, in full breeding and nesting season. Prime nonsense.

Alberche basin (reservoirs Burguillo and San Juan) is suffering in the last 4 weeks, a significant reduction in the flow reservoir, San Juan, having lost more than 10% of its total capacity. Are used for direct stock transfers and adjacent to the Canal de Isabel II and municipalities Toledo. Second nonsense.

The legislation makes clear that the CHT is not authorized the use of jet skis and night navigation in the reservoir. Third nonsense.

Finally, the Hydrographic Confederation of the Tajo, and responding to requests for information about the test part of this partnership delivers written notice denying the permits.

Sierra West development Report to the President of the COE, Guinness and the Organization of the sequence of nonsense and lack of approval of this test organized by the Municipality of San Martín de Valdeiglesias.

PDF - 96 kb
Carta al Sr. Presidente del COE
PDF - 437.9 kb
Notificación de la CHT