Mailer Mattié*
Translation by Sylvia Maria Valls
“Let’s get together! We are the ones we were waiting for.”
The Hopi Nation’s Chiefs
Oraibi, Arizona, 2000
In his work, Ivan Illich (1926-2002) described the failure of industrial institutions such as in education, medicine and (...) >continue
Mailer Mattié
Translator: Sylvia María Valls. Instituto Simone Weil
“The reasons and ways that make a city wise, at the same time wizen the citizen.” Plato
“We are done with transition, here comes democracy.” Poster at the Puerta del Sol.
Venus in the Sun
On Sunday, May 15th, thousands of (...) >continue
Agustín Velloso
Recently, and especially in the days leading up to the municipal and regional elections in Spain held on Sunday, May 22nd, there has been much talk about the outrage of youth—and certain adults—a conversation thrown into sharp relief by the encampments set up in the (...) >continue
Agustín Velloso
Palestine Chronicle/CEPRID
Translated from Spanish by Christine Lewis Carroll
The national press in Spain continues to include articles of and letters to the editor relating to the veil. It would seem that this garment has become a problem for Western society, where its use is (...) >continue
Asbjørn Wah CEPRID 16 -VIII -07
OUR ALTERNATIVES When the attacks on public services started in the 1980s, neo-liberal politicians exploited the discontent which already was prevalent with existing public services, linked to bureaucratisation, low quality or limited accessibility. For those of (...) >continue
Asbjørn Wah CEPRID 16 -VII -07
In spite of the neo-liberal offensive which still ravages our countries, the movements and the left in Norway have experienced some successes over the last years. New and untraditional alliances have been built. New working methods have been developed. Some (...) >continue