Mailer Mattié
Translated by Sylvia María Valls
In 1975, Rousseau published his reflections on the causes of the differences separating human beings from one another, written a year earlier upon the occasion of the contest that the Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles Lettres of Dijon had convened in respect to the following questions: a) What was the origin of inequality among men, and b) Does natural law authorize it?
> continueAlberto Cruz
By Summary Latinoamericano ,
It was Trump’s trip to the Middle East who started this whole strategy in his speech in Saudi Arabia: "Create a military bloc that wages a war" against so-called Islamic State and at the same time, " challenge strongly growing regional influence" of Iran .
It is the speech ever more pronounced since the considered "deep state" US has managed to subdue an erratic president as few and that his campaign had promised that the US was not going to become more involved in overthrowing governments.
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