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Hamas 1988-2008: between negotiation and resistance (Middle East)

Sunday 9 March 2008 by CEPRID
Agustín Velloso CEPRID 9 - III - 08 Version inglesa de Toni Solo (activista en Nicaragua). 2008 marks the 20th anniversary of Hamas as a political movement in Palestine, involving two decades of continuous struggle against Israeli occupation. Most importantly, Hamas has confronted not just the (...) > continue

Judeo-Christian peace processes for the killing of Muslim Palestinians (Middle East)

Monday 28 January 2008 by CEPRID
Agustín Velloso CEPRID 28 - I - 08 In the early hours of Tuesday, January 15th 2008, the Israeli occupation army in Palestine killed sixteen Palestinians and injured about fifty others, some critically. Once again, it was just another incursion with fighters, helicopters, tanks, armoured (...) > continue

One-Act Farces on Peace in Palestine and their political lessons (Middle East)

Monday 24 December 2007 by CEPRID
Agustín Velloso CEPRID 24 - XII - 07 Last week end (14-16 December), the Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East, one of the longest running plays in the world, was once again performed, this time in Alcorcon (a town close to Madrid). The plot was written by the Partido Socialista Obrero (...) > continue

Spain’s PSOE Socialist Party Follows The Same Foreign Policy As The PP Under Aznar (Middle East)

Tuesday 11 December 2007 by CEPRID
Agustín Velloso CEPRID 11 - XII - 07 Ex-President Aznar made himself dismally famous four years ago when he chose to ally his fate with that of US President Bush in the war of aggression against Iraq. The lies, cliches and slick, superficial slogans, that mixture of political machismo and fake (...) > continue

Proposal for setting up an international citizens’ tribunal on the deeds committed by the Israeli army and secret services in Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories (Middle East)

Monday 29 October 2007 by CEPRID
CEPRID 29 - X - 07 The deeds committed by the Israeli army and secret services in Lebanon, as in the occupied Palestinian territories, constitute a violent affront to the universal human conscience. These are criminal acts, as many people feel instinctively. They are different from the acts (...) > continue

Elephant cemetery : the UN in Lebanon (Middle East)

Tuesday 18 September 2007 by CEPRID
Alberto Cruz CEPRID 18 - IX - 07 The main ideological battlefield in the Middle East is Lebanon. However much United States media cover the situation in Iraq (and one should remember the only thing they worry about is the number of their dead soldiers), that country is not the one where the (...) > continue

The Norwegian Method: on alliance policies and experiences in the fight against neo-liberalism (II) (European Union)

Wednesday 1 August 2007 by CEPRID
Asbjørn Wah CEPRID 16 -VIII -07 OUR ALTERNATIVES When the attacks on public services started in the 1980s, neo-liberal politicians exploited the discontent which already was prevalent with existing public services, linked to bureaucratisation, low quality or limited accessibility. For those of (...) > continue

The Norwegian Method: on alliance policies and experiences in the fight against neo-liberalism (I) (European Union)

Monday 16 July 2007 by CEPRID
Asbjørn Wah CEPRID 16 -VII -07 In spite of the neo-liberal offensive which still ravages our countries, the movements and the left in Norway have experienced some successes over the last years. New and untraditional alliances have been built. New working methods have been developed. Some (...) > continue

The United States’ new strategy in Lebanon : the secret war against Hizbollah (Middle East)

Sunday 1 July 2007 by CEPRID
Alberto Cruz CEPRID 1 -VII -07 A time-worn adage in journalism says that redundancy enables a better understanding of language, so here we go again : the tree of Iraq stops us seeing the Middle East wood. Absorbed in our navel-gazing, we behave like children covering our ears to stave off a (...) > continue

2065 : the beginning of a New Nepal (Asia)

Wednesday 30 April 2008 by CEPRID
Alberto Cruz CEPRID XXX - IV - 2008 Nepal has entered the year 2065 of its calendar and (after two postponements) has already held elections for the Constituent Assembly that may end the monarchy and open the way to the proclamation of a republic. This is an aspiration of a majority of the (...) > continue

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