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Upon the CIX anniversary of Simone Weil’s birth (1909-1943)

Wednesday 14 March 2018 by CEPRID

Mailer Mattié

Translated by Sylvia María Valls

In 1975, Rousseau published his reflections on the causes of the differences separating human beings from one another, written a year earlier upon the occasion of the contest that the Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles Lettres of Dijon had convened in respect to the following questions: a) What was the origin of inequality among men, and b) Does natural law authorize it?

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The crisis in Qatar or last attempt to weaken the "axis of resistance" against Israel

Thursday 20 July 2017 by CEPRID

Alberto Cruz

By Summary Latinoamericano , www.resumenlatinoamericano.org

It was Trump’s trip to the Middle East who started this whole strategy in his speech in Saudi Arabia: "Create a military bloc that wages a war" against so-called Islamic State and at the same time, " challenge strongly growing regional influence" of Iran .

It is the speech ever more pronounced since the considered "deep state" US has managed to subdue an erratic president as few and that his campaign had promised that the US was not going to become more involved in overthrowing governments.

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The EZLN - A Look at its History

Sunday 26 January 2014 by CEPRID
Raul Romero Upsidedownworld Translation by Dorset Chiapas Solidarity Group The Guerrilla Nucleus “….the human condition ... has a stubborn tendency to bad conduct. Where it is least expected, rebellion jumps out and dignity occurs. In the mountains of Chiapas, for example. For a long time (...) > continue

Guiding principles on business and human rights or transnational economic power’s culture of impunity

Sunday 27 October 2013 by CEPRID
Alejandro Teitelbaum Argenpress/CEPRID In 2013, a series of dramatic accidents in Bangladeshi textile factories caused thousands of casualties, spurring worldwide protests. In the wake of this uproar, a number of corporations and trade unions involved concluded the “Accord on Fire and Building (...) > continue

The globalisation of the crisis and the geopolitical shift

Wednesday 24 July 2013 by CEPRID
TIBERIO GRAZIANI President of IsAG, director of “Geopolitica” www.istituto-geopolitica.eu — www.geopolitica-rivista.org tiberio.graziani@istituto-geopolitica.eu Five years after the explosion of the financial-economic crisis, and despite numerous analyses and studies produced, and the (...) > continue


Moving on towards New Ways of Getting Along
Monday 25 March 2013 by CEPRID
Mailer Mattié Instituto Simone Weil/CEPRID English translation by Sylvia María Valls "To live in this world without knowing the hidden laws of the natural sciences is like ignoring the language of the country one was born in." HazratInayat Khan "It is well enough that people of the nation do (...) > continue

NATO, the Most Terrifying Military Alliance in History, Threatens Latin America

Wednesday 16 January 2013 by CEPRID
CEPRID – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is the most terrifying military alliance, with the most destructive power, ever conceived in the history of mankind. Today, it is a serious threat to Latin America and the Caribbean. The United States and its European allies created it in (...) > continue

Radicalism Vs. Reconciliation After The Vote

Tuesday 13 November 2012 by CEPRID
Manuel Sutherland HUGO CHÁVEZ, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, has won his 14th electoral victory out of 15 contests in a period of 14 years. On October 7, he won a solid 55 percent of the vote (8,136,964, according to the official count), defeating millionaire (...) > continue

The Plan for a New World Order Stumbles on Geopolitical Realities

Saturday 1 September 2012 by CEPRID
Imad Fawzi Shueibi Voltaire Network For four centuries, political leaders have tried to create an international order that governs relationships between nations and prevents wars.. While the principle of state sovereignty has yielded results, intergovernmental organizations have mainly (...) > continue

Want to set up an ‘Arab spring’ or a ‘colour revolution’?

Follow super-secret agent 86 Maxwell Smart to Mission Equatorial Guinea*
Monday 11 June 2012 by CEPRID
Agustin Velloso** 1. Businessmen, ambassadors, lobbyists and other animals February 23, 2012, the telephone rings in the office of the super-secret agent 86: Hello, I am Katie Fish, researcher of Diligence, Global Business Intelligence; you know: investigations, due diligence, forensics, (...) > continue

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