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The application of the PP - on the M-501 - to the European Community will enter from the registry and it will come from the registry

Tuesday 23 September 2008

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Willy Meyer Pleite - 11-09-2008

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The PP enters key election and intends to block all parliamentary activities that could thwart their interests. More than 9 months in the European elections, the People’s Party fears that the control they can exercise the European Community on their administrations, to remove the light breaches of community law.

There are no limits to safeguard the image of their fiefdoms, and through a strategy of questionable legitimacy have claimed at the meeting held yesterday afternoon by the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament, it asked the European Commission to review its decision to take the case of the M-501 before the European Court. All other political forces refused to participate in that vote, showing their deep opposition to this stratagem media, which exploited the absence of several deputies. In his speech, MEP from the United Left, Willy Meyer said, "The Petitions Committee does not have any ability to ask the European Commission to make the neglect of their duties and allow such a breach of EU law." Meyer continued, "the European Commission will enter the record (this request) and exit through the register."

There are already two court decisions declaring the illegality of the works of the M-501. Likewise, after the consideration of this case by the Committee on Petitions and by the European Commission, and the attitude of the authorities in Madrid, it was decided to direct this case to the European Court of Justice without delay , As reflected in the letter addressed by the European Commissioner, Mr. Dimas, Mr. Liviski, last June.

Meyer reiterated that "the M-501 is an illegality, and Brussels will maintain its decision to bring these works to the European Court, making clear that attitudes will not be allowed to disregard the law."

View online : Blog de Willy Meyer