Año 2002Ana de Miguel,
Montserrat Boix
No vivimos en una sociedad en que la pertenencia a un género determinado -femenino o masculino- sea irrelevante. De hecho y a pesar de los notables avances de las mujeres en algunas (...)
¿ Por qué hay tan sólo unas pocas mujeres en posiciones visibles de liderazgo en el mundo electrónico? ¿ Por qué las mujeres programadoras y las hackers son sólo una pequeña minoría, (...)
Jenny Marketou 2000-2001Mujeres en Red
The discussion of the political impact of the internet has focused on a number of issues: Access, technological determinism,encryption, comodification, software, intellectual property, (...)
Por Verónica Engler 2000
Barbara Thoens es una de las pocas integrantes femeninas del mítico Chaos Computer Club (www.ccc.de), un grupo de hackers de Alemania que desde principios de los ‘80 viene realizando (...)
by Cornelia Sollfrank 2000
According to Sterling, women do not have a motive, because the omnipresent point-and-click software, which easily allows novice hackers to penetrate some computers ”. . . is incredibly (...)
by Sascha Segan 2000Mujeres en Red
The experience of women at the entry levels of the hacking scene, mostly in online chat groups, is one of relentless sexual harassment. It is a hard battle for women to be respected in (...)
by Sascha Segan 2000Mujeres en Red
Courtnee, a 20-year-old woman from the Pacific Northwest, has been taking apart technology since she was a child. She provided this photo of herself. (ABCNEWS.com) June 2 — Kevin (...)
This issue of Switch developed out of the Chik Tek ’97 conference and exhibition held here in San Jose, California, last November. In that forum, participants discussed various aspects (...)
Call Cyberfeminist International 1999Mujeres en Red
What are the specific possibilities offered by the new technologies for a networked feminism? What are the specific possibilities and conditions for agency and female subjectivity in a (...)
Faith Wilding & Critical Art Ensemble 1998Mujeres en Red
El cyberfeminismo es una promesa de la nueva ola de pensamiento y práctica postfeminista. A través del trabajo de numerosas mujeres Netactive, hay ahora una distinta presencia (...)
Dr. Jyanni Steffensen 1998Mujeres en Red
This paper examines some futuristic fantasy possibilities for constructions of perversely signified female desire through the work of techno-artists, VNS Matrix’s ALL NEW GEN (1994). The (...)
Remedios Zafra
Femenino.net.art: feminización de la cultura y red Internet forma parte de la tesis doctoral "Arte, Internet y Colectividad: nuevas prácticas artísticas de la red y nuevas formas de (...)
Mujeres en Red
Each and every day, more and more women are penetrating the worldwide networks we loosely describe as "the Internet". Needless to say, their presence and involvement is provoking many (...)
Alex Galloway 1997Mujeres en Red
Sería precipitado descartar el reciente libro de Sadie Plant, Zeros and Ones [Ceros y unos], aduciendo que se trata de puro feminismo de segunda ola. Es cierto, Plant parece muy (...)
Mujeres en Red
The VNS Matrix (pronounced like Venus) are trying to remap cyberculture with a feminist bent. Their electronic artworks attempt to integrate feminist theory with popular culture in (...)