
Before begun the judgements against Argentine and Chilean soldiers on the part of Garzón judge, nobody might have been able to imagine that hated high commands of those two could lose their manner impunity so spectacular as us have mounted it the means of comunicacion. And all by work of the justidicial power of a imperialistic country.

To maintain live the hatred toward the great foreign capital in the collective conscience of Latin America it cost much effort, much blood and many lives, between them that of the disappeared Spaniers that today constitute the pretext of the Spanish justice. In October of 1997, when Garzón ordered the prison of the Argentine commander Scilingo, the eyes of the world could see the euphoric satisfaction of the Argentine movement by the human rights before the National High Court, giving samples of gratefulness mealy to the justice appliance of the Spanish State.

A year after it was reproduced the same telematic scenery respect of the case Pinochet. Certain is that the limited sovereignty principle or of intervention by humanitarian reasons emerged to the world public opinion from the UN and by mouth of Pérez of Cuellar, his previous general secretary; but it is not less certain that the international political projection of the philosophy of the human rights on the part of imperialism, ever arrived to penetrate in the collective conscience of the subordinate classes, as well as from 1996, year in which the Garzón judge signed the processing to the Argentine soldiers implicated in the disappearance of the Spanish murdered between 1976 and 1983. For that then, the ONG Amnistia International already had changed their delimited violation concept of the DD.HH., extending the field of the penal responsibility of the States to the individuals.

That the profuse advertising in connection with the initiative of the Garzon Judge contributed in the last three years to legitimate the criminal intervention of the NATO in Yugoslavia, it is something that only they can ignore or be denied to recognize, who having changed the revolutionary justice idea by that of justice imperialistic burgess, arrived even to facilitate that the Chilean fascists - and by extension those of the capitalistic periphery as a rule - are appropriated of the historical report from the disappeared synthesized in the struggle commitment against the imperialistic interventionism. By own social nature the middle class is the non plus ultra in the art of the metamorphosis.

Not few of who today collaborate actively with this political operation mounted by the Spanish State, they were somehow committed with that antiimperialist spirit that was empowered of large part of the Latin America youth from the decade of the sixty. For those revolutionary ideals combatted and died the Spanish disappeared in Argentina and Chile. Paradoxically, the historical report of those struggles is today in hands of the Spanish imperialistic State, because the official collaborative enthusiasts of Garzón the have alienated in exchange for what already it is being seeing that they are not more than legal trinkets;they have negotiated wretchedly the apportioned blood disowning of the justice idea that in some moment defended near the disappeared, to be embraced to that of who were between their enemies, the principal accomplices and beneficiary of all that barbarism.

<<Spain began to be fixed in Argentina practically as of 1976. It is the beginning than what the Spanish entrepreneurs baptized with the name of "the Argentine miracle". In the bigger part of the cases, the landing of the Spanish companies in Argentina was made of the hand of the State. In this sense, the official trip of the King Juan Carlos opened the spill of many businesses>> ( Argentine magazine "Market": Second fortnight of 1982 February)

During that same trip and with identical diplomatic intention, the King Juan Carlos visited Chile. To say truth, the spill of the juicy businesses that today they are to the sight in those two countries it was not opened by the monarch but the dictatorships of Videla and Pinochet. Thus, once it conspired the subversive threat, the Spanish companies of the INI, as Electrical Standard, Telephonic, Initec, Made, Endesa, etc.,etc., they happened to be occupied of fulfilling the first stage in its objective of capitalizing to the maximum the desirable market of the free development of the salaried work in Latin America. As nearly all the world knows, Spain is today the principal European investor in the region. Already in 1997 based there more capital than to the European Union. That year, the value of market of the investments of Telephonic International in the zone had arrived to surpass 5 billion of dollars and that of the principal banks were exceeding 4 billion. The Santander and the BBV exhibited the third and fourth post in the ranking of Latin America by volume of assets.

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