LibWeek2001 International Meetings

International Meeting 1 This will be a one day meeting on 31st March in Madrid, Spain, with representatives of anarchosyndicalist and revolutionary syndicalist trade unions, as well as anarchist and libertarian-minded social organisations. The main point on the agenda will be the discussing and approving of a joint declaration as to what type of anarchism are we fighting for in the 21st Century.

This Declaration, once rewritten and via consensus from other anarchist organisations which attend the International Meeting is meant to be an "acceptable-to-most" anarchist answer (always liable to change and improvement) to the problems of the 21st century. Note that participating organisations, through this pre-writing period, can let their opinions be known, posting christopher@cgt.eseven if unable to attend the actual event. They can also sign the document once written, after the event is held. This is intended to give fuller participation to organisation with a low budget or impossibility of travelling.)

Translation services (English, French, Spanish, Italian) will be provided.

International Meeting 2 Following the final writing and signing of the Declaration, the organisations which sign or support it meet on April 1st in Madrid to discuss a series of specific joint actions to be taken by libertarian organisations.



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Updated 24th March 2001.