First National Youth Camp for Autonomy

Rebel Dialogue To Build Dreams

We are convinced that young people have always been present as a social actor and have been a fundamental part in the emancipatory processes in the world. For us, to be young is the renewal of ideas, practices and the ways of behaving and relating with each other. Being young is celebration, joy, solidarity, resistance, rebelliousness, and hope. Being young is commitment, responsibility and struggle.

Today it is impossible to deny the rising in the whole world of new forms of peoples organization and movements that are dreaming and at the same time building a different world; practising creative forms of autonomous participation against the state, political parties and institutions, generating other forms of making politics and of resistance to domination, exclusion and exploitation, that turn into alternative living realities, based on self organization, self management and direct action.

Examples of these processes are the squatter and the conscientious objection movements in Spain and in the rest of Europe. The social centres and civil disobedience in Italy. The network organization of Seattle, Genoa and Goteborg. The popular education and the production in the taken lands in Brasil. The communal gardens in Uruguay. The new movement of those without roof in Colombia. The processes of self management in rebel Argentina. The autonomy and self determination of the Magonistas in Oaxaca and the Zapatista assemblies of good government

But this autonomous movement, as it is called in other places, has many questions, challenges, tasks, exchanges, and meetings to come. That it is why it is fundamental to us that the autonomous youth movement in Mexico begins to strengthen itself, to discuss, and to dream about a world where we can all live in.

That is why, we make the following call to participate in the:

First National Youth Camp for Autonomy

Rebel Dialogue to Build Dreams

-to all young people organized and non organized, in all parts of the country, from the countryside to the city, of all professions, arts and trades, of all sexual preferences, to the young people organized in the following spaces: student, women, environmentalist, human rights, alternative mediums, indigenous organizations, unions, organizations of farmers, popular urban, cultural, ecological, religious, political or other forms of organization. To all the young Zapatistas, anarchists, Magonistas, libertarians, autonomous, squatters, disobeyers, other-worlders, or any other ideology, identity, strategy, or political proposal that believes in autonomy and self management , to allow our dreams to talk.

-to all of those who want to start a strategic discussion about autonomy and self management. To all who want to explore the possibility in creating networks of autonomy for information, communication, articulation and coordination.

-to all of those who don’t necessarily see taking power as dogmatic, with only one way in building alternatives, who no longer believe in the old form of political participation maintained by hierarchic organization, pyramidal and vanguard, let us join hope and experiences in the struggle of our people.

- to all of those who see in the self organization, self management, autonomy, horizontality, and direct action the possibility to change the world. To all those young people who want to find each other to get to know different struggles, other forms of resistance, other alternatives, other autonomies to dream and practice another world.

In the community of La Soledad, Sola de Vega, Oaxaca, Mexico on May 5, 6, 7, and 8, 2005 there will be the following possibilities:

-to participate as an individual or as a collective in the spaces of convergence.

-to develop activities of self management: workshops, forums, videos, debates, and thematic assemblies.

-to participate in cultural activities: concerts, performances, dances, theatre, exhibitions, etc.

- to get to know and debate the self management and autonomous experiences of the movements in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Greece, and other countries that have confirmed their assistance.

- to integrate in the organization of the camp horizontality and inclusion, calling, spreading, replying and multiplying the invitation.