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Middle East

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The Gaza concentration camp: ancient colonialism through a Nazi filter (Middle East)

Tuesday 2 September 2008 by CEPRID
Agustín Velloso CEPRID Visiting the Gaza strip, July 2008 When you approach the Erez frontier post to enter Gaza from the north, you notice a concentration camp straightaway even if you may never have seen one like the ones turned into museums or educational centres, or like the ones that (...) > continue

Middle East : Lebanon breaks the mould (Middle East)

Tuesday 2 September 2008 by CEPRID
Alberto Cruz CEPRID Lebanon, thanks to Hizbollah, is breaking moulds in the Middle East. After Hizbollah’s defeat of Israel in the war of the summer of 2006, it has again humiliated the Zionist State by making it carry out another exchange of Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners like the one in (...) > continue

Condolezza Rice was right : a new Middle East is being born (Middle East)

Friday 20 June 2008 by CEPRID
Alberto Cruz CEPRID The Doha Agreement for Lebanon has clarified a new re-ordering of the map of the Middle East. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was correct when, during the Israeli war against Lebanon in the summer of 2006, while Israeli planes bombed that Arab country’s civilian (...) > continue

The solution to the conflict originated by Israel is a Palestinian State (Middle East)

Friday 30 May 2008 by CEPRID
Agustin Velloso CEPRID 1. The current debate on what is better: one State or two. The number of articles and statements about the solution to the Palestinian conflict has increased notably during 2008. The increase accompanies the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, established on May (...) > continue

Four days that shook the Middle East (Middle East)

Friday 30 May 2008 by CEPRID
Alberto Cruz CEPRID The taking of Beirut by Hizbollah militants and their allies from May 7th to May 11th foiled a political military operation supported by the US and Saudi Arabia against Lebanese patriotic nationalist forces meant to weaken and defeat Hizbollah decisively . Since Hizbollah (...) > continue

Egypt and Lebanon : two labour strikes, a strategy and one reality (Middle East)

Tuesday 20 May 2008 by CEPRID
Alberto Cruz 20 - V - 2008 CEPRID On April 6th a general strike was called in Egypt. One month later, on May 7th, another one was called in Lebanon. The causes were the same in both countries : calls for an increase in the minimum wage and improvements to workers’ statutory benefits and also (...) > continue

Lebanon - a cold war getting hotter all the time (Middle East)

Thursday 10 April 2008 by CEPRID
Alberto Cruz CEPRID 10 - IV- 2008 "Lebanon, a small country, perhaps destined to play a great part in the future, not just of the MIddle East but of the whole Arab world." With that remark some friends bade me farewell over a year ago in Beirut’s airport. The capital was beginning to put itself (...) > continue

Iraq, the US trump to avoid a dollar collapse (Middle East)

Sunday 30 March 2008 by CEPRID
Alberto Cruz CEPRID 30 - III - 08 Do you remember the proposal of Iran and Venezuela to OPEC in October 2007 on the need to open a debate in the organization about whether or not to continue using the dollar as the payment currency for a barrel of oil? That proposal which caused such a fuss (...) > continue

Hamas 1988-2008: between negotiation and resistance (Middle East)

Sunday 9 March 2008 by CEPRID
Agustín Velloso CEPRID 9 - III - 08 Version inglesa de Toni Solo (activista en Nicaragua). 2008 marks the 20th anniversary of Hamas as a political movement in Palestine, involving two decades of continuous struggle against Israeli occupation. Most importantly, Hamas has confronted not just the (...) > continue

Judeo-Christian peace processes for the killing of Muslim Palestinians (Middle East)

Monday 28 January 2008 by CEPRID
Agustín Velloso CEPRID 28 - I - 08 In the early hours of Tuesday, January 15th 2008, the Israeli occupation army in Palestine killed sixteen Palestinians and injured about fifty others, some critically. Once again, it was just another incursion with fighters, helicopters, tanks, armoured (...) > continue

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