Imprisoned American Protestors Await Hearing (english)
by Sam Sparks 11:06am Tue Jul 24 '01 (Modified on 11:27am Tue Jul 24 '01)

Two Oregonians await trial

Two Oregonians, Sherman Sparks and Morgan Hager were among the 92 people violently beaten and taken into custody during the police raid early Sunday. The raid took place across from the IMC headquarters at the Genova Social Forum gymnasium. Both Sherman and Hager were both hospitalized and shortly thereafter taken to prison. Sherman was treated in a neurology unit with a head injury.

The US Attorney General said that they are charged with conspiring to loot and for having "dangerous weapons". However, Sherman and Morgan are firm believers in non-violence and were sleeping prior to the raid. As IMC reported earlier, the weapons the police found were salad forks and knifes.

The Italian Consulate was schedualed to meet today with Sherman. The hearing should occur tommorow.

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support? (english)
by . 11:20am Tue Jul 24 '01

anything we can do to show support?

All support is appreciated (english)
by Sam Sparks 11:27am Tue Jul 24 '01

Sherman's my brother and im fucking pissed off. I missed out on yesterdays protest in portland but would have gone if i knew about it. Im carrying a black flag (bandana) as it is a symbol for police brutality victims.

Any support is greatly appreciated be it protests, black flags, or wheat pasting. Let me know if you hear of more protests so I can join in or are interested in starting a protest in salem, eugene, or portland on wednesday.